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Penarth Leisure Centre Roof Replacement

What’s Happening?

Due to the age of Penarth Leisure Centre, it’s now necessary to completely refurbish the roof to ensure it’s safe and secure for the years ahead. This project, involving 3 phases, will strengthen the infrastructure of the building to ensure the longevity of the Leisure Centre’s purpose, to provide sports, leisure and fitness facilities to the local community and visitors. Whilst this is positive news, it does come with some significant disruption over the duration of the project. 

We are pleased to announce that we have now completed phases 1 and 2 of the project and in the next few weeks, we will be moving to the final stage, phase 3.


What is phase 3 of the project?

Phase 3 of the project requires us to move our gym into the Sports Hall and therefore the gym space needs to be closed. We plan to continue to operate as many of our fitness classes as we can and have been working closely with our partners to make this happen. 



Access to the following areas will not be possible for safety reasons from Wednesday 5 June:

  • The main Sports Hall - if you are a club or a regular user of this area, then we apologise for the disruption, as soon as we have a more definitive understanding of the finish date for phase 3, we will keep you updated. Early Autumn is our aim at present.



  • Our gym once relocated, will operate as usual from Saturday 8 June (after the move 5-7 June)
  • The group fitness programme will continue to operate almost all of our current classes as normal. Please click here to see this program.
  • Studio A - our large dance studio on the 1st floor.  Please be aware that there will be some noise disruption in phase 3 in this area. Whilst not ideal, this is better than not offering the class at all and we hope you’ll agree.
  • The corridor to the dance studio will re-open for access.
  • Squash and Dojo courts will now be available all day, every day
  • Our meeting room on the ground floor
  • Our newly refurbished spin studio
  • Our Health Suite
  • Our pool & all Learn to Swim programme lessons
  • Our Class fitness programme continues to be delivered


Is Penarth Leisure Centre Still Open?

Yes. Very much so. 

We continue to run our gym and fitness program but we have just moved things around. There may of course be some added building work noise, but we aim to keep this to a minimum where possible.

Link to timetable page here.



You will of course be able to continue to use both centres. Since November 2023, we have been discounting your membership by £8 per month, this will continue until Penarth Leisure Centre is once again fully operational. At this point, your direct debit will be adjusted back to reflect your previous membership access and price.



We have not been able to offer our Sports Hall bouncy castle parties for some time now but we are delighted to say you can now start to plan ahead, as we are taking bookings for the weekend of 5 & 6 October onwards. We are also hoping to introduce Pool parties this summer, so if you are brave enough to get wet with the kids, then call the centre today to find out more.


What changes will we see at Penarth?

We are well into the project now and despite some terrible weather conditions, we are delighted to say we are still on time and making good progress. The winter months are some of our most challenging, so we are very pleased.

Phase 1 & 2 are now complete and we are moving to phase 3 shortly. Phase 3 will see us return the gym to its rightful location on the 1st floor. The Sports Hall will then have to stay out of action until the project is completed.

The ceilings will remain untouched internally, and the existing roof covering will be overlaid in manageable sections to minimise the risk of disruption from the weather. The outer edges of the roof will also be replaced as the work progresses.

The car park will mostly be unaffected, but we have lost access to the pathway and parking bays alongside the Sports Hall. The one-way system will remain in place and all the line markings for the current car park have been refreshed to aid users.



We will continually update customers via email (where relevant) but also via:

I hope this gives you an overview of the project so far.

I’d like to thank you in advance for your understanding while these improvements are made. I’m sure you’ll agree these upgrade works will be a great benefit to our community.

Should you have any queries or questions please speak to the team locally and we will do our best to help.

Nic Beggs and the team,
Penarth Leisure Centre